Benefits of Mental Health Counseling & Therapy

  • checkmark Ability to Set Boundaries
  • checkmark Better Relationships
  • checkmark Greater Self-Confidence
  • checkmark Help with Depression / Phobias
  • checkmark Improve Communication
  • checkmark Increase Assertiveness
  • checkmark Less Anxiety
  • checkmark Reduce Problematic Behaviors
  • checkmark Regain Emotional Balance
  • checkmark Stress Relief
  • checkmark Trauma Resolution
  • checkmark Ability to Set Boundaries
  • checkmark Better Relationships
  • checkmark Greater Self-Confidence
  • checkmark Help with Depression / Phobias
  • checkmark Improve Communication
  • checkmark Increase Assertiveness
  • checkmark Less Anxiety
  • checkmark Reduce Problematic Behaviors
  • checkmark Regain Emotional Balance
  • checkmark Stress Relief
  • checkmark Trauma Resolution

Useful Las Vegas Area Crisis, Hospital & National Crisis Phone Numbers

The following phone numbers are for Las Vegas crisis hotlines, as well as hospitals in the Las Vegas area, and national crisis hotlines. They are provided to help with varying types of crisis and emergency situations. The list of phone numbers were taken from a list provided at which may contain more recent information than our list.

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Crisis Hotlines for Las Vegas / Clark County

Hospitals in Las Vegas

National Crisis Hotlines

We are Fully-Licensed, Caring & Private

Our therapists are fully licensed to provide mental health services for families, groups, and individuals, and we provide absolute privacy and respect.

Benefits, Insurance & Self-Pay Accepted

Benefits and insurances are accepted for counseling including telehealth therapy. Cash-pay therapy is for in-office only.

Our Clinics are Open

Appointments are available from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, at both our Henderson clinic or Las Vegas clinic - please call, email us, or begin your appointment request.